Setanta specialises in active global equity management, investing in stocks on a fundamental basis, with a focus on value and quality. Setanta has an experienced investment team, who choose stocks within a global sector framework. The team has a strong track record in its core global equity style, and in other regional, country and specialist styles.
Setanta offers investment on a segregated and on a pooled basis. It is the investment manager for a range of unit-linked funds, which Canada Life policyholders in Ireland and Europe may invest in. In addition Setanta has a number of specialist mutual funds available for professional investors, offering a global equity, high-yield, covered call strategy, and a similar strategy which invests in companies which meet certain ethical restrictions
Setanta Asset Management Limited (“Setanta”) is the primary asset manager for Canada Life in Ireland and other European countries. Setanta was established in Dublin in 1998 and has grown steadily since then, now managing € 5.1bn (Mar 2011) in assets for Great–West Lifeco Inc group companies with clients in Ireland, Germany and Canada as well other third party institutions.
Setanta is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canada Life Irish Holding Company Limited, which is in turn owned by Great-West Lifeco Inc.
College Park House
20 Nassau Street
Dublin Ireland